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BASE X is a Platform of networks Led by People of Colour to empower Communities of Colour

BASE X is a collaboration of Global Majority Networks, Social Enterprises and community organisations led by 'People of Colour' to become a strategic 'racially minoritised' communities empowerment and engagement tool.

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BASE aims to empower and support local Global Majority VCSE's to have a positive social impact in the local communities that they live and work in.

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BASE X aims to empower local communities of colour; culturally, socially, economically, digitally, physically and environmentally by highlighting and tackling the root cause of 'Systemic Racism'


We are highlighting inequity in society by teaching diverse and marginalised communities how to research themselves and provide real stats by people with lived experience. 

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'Reams of EDI Policies and refined rhetoric are rife now, but true 'practical action' is what needs to be measured'.
Restorative justice must be given where fault is found in the VCSE and Public Sector Infrastructure.
Collaborating at Work

One of our aims is to tackle inequity via various programmes including campaigning for ‘systemic change’

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Mission and Objectives

  • To create a true, representative platform for networks and organisations of colour with lived experience of oppression to work together to create systemic change for the better.
  • To develop and maintain a platform led by people of colour for communities of colour to nurture the networks that join it.
  • To empower and support local social enterprises of colour to have a positive social impact in the local communities that they live and work in.
  • To engage and inform local communities of colour about social investment and the value of becoming social enterprises.
  • To become a strategic engagement tool for all the public, private and voluntary sectors to engage 'grass roots' communities of colour for various purposes; Health, Social Investment, Civic Life, Youth Employment and others.
  • To carry out quality research in communities of colour by partnering with those very local communities and enabling/empowering them to carry out the research with us as we acknowledge that they are the real experts in knowing their own community needs and issues.
  • To capacity build and advise local Black & Brown VSOs to become more efficient and sustainable in order to have a better social impact.
  • To empower local communities of colour: Culturally, socially, economically, mentally, physically and environmentally.
  • To campaign for social justice and equality and contribute to the Govt ‘Levelling Up’ agenda and tackling inequity via various programmes including ‘systemic change’.
  • We aim to expose systemic racism and exploitation of groups/communities of colour with a view to not retaliate, but to create a pathway for restorative justice, learning about bad practices and how to future proof against those practices.
BASE Purpose/Aims
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BASE X helps our communities to come together to celebrate and share our rich cultures!

Our Latest News

Happy Couple

Our Structure; 
Elected Board of Directors  who are representatives of Global Majority Networks and Community Organisations 

What People Say About BASE X

Man at his living room


I just love how BASE X is creating a culturally familiar 'Grapevine' 

environment without any apologetic behaviour for Global Majority networks with 'an each one teach one' philosophy..



A truly inspiring unique project. Creating the necessary environment to tackle systemic inequity through constructive fearless dialogue and true representation of BAME communities.

Man at his Desk


In my humble opinion, BASE has become a movement of the people and a motivator for the unification of communities of colour to work more collaboratively instead of competitively.

Smiling Woman


Well, for me, it was the feeling of being a part of a larger family. Having an entity that is there to support my organisation with funding information, governance and connectivity through its large grapevine..

Man with Colorful Tie


As a director of a large Black organisation myself, I totally admire and respect the fact that BASE X is 'belief led' and not 'funding led'. I feel, this is one of the reasons that BASE X in a way, is uncontrollable by the authorities in what they say and do. In particular, their unique, open style of challenging Systemic Racism without fearing any repercussions!


BASE X is making new partnerships and collaborations regularly

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